Terms And Conditions


All website content, including text, graphics, photos, drawings, designs, icons, and other materials, is the property of “ThePackster” and third-party sources. You may not duplicate, edit, store, republish, transmit, or distribute the contents of this website without our consent.

ThePackster reserves the copyright for the design of all printed items. Therefore, we do not intend to disclose templates to third parties or sell them.


Return and Refund Policy:


Because our printing goods and other services are individualized, you must contact us within 2-3 business days after receiving the order if the delivered product is damaged or does not fit your order specifications.

We will not refund or credit your account. But, in the event of an error or defect, we are required to reproduce your original order. Our management determines whether or not there is a defect.

You must offer images as proof to justify the damaged product or refund. Only then will we reprint your original order. But you must send the photos within 7 working days of receiving the order.



Payment, Order Placement, and Cancellations


Our products and services can be customized. As a result, we can only begin printing work if full payment, including all taxes, shipping, and handling charges, is received via credit card or a recognized payment method.

We need our online clients to receive proof (whether an electronic file or a paper copy) of the printing products or other services they purchase as part of the order placement procedure. When the buyers approve the proof, the printing jobs are submitted to the press.

Once the print job has been accepted and certified by the customer, we make no changes to the artwork files or printing duration. Nonetheless, you have 4 hours after confirming evidence to cancel the order.


Your Privacy. Please read our Privacy Policy.


Copyright/Trademark Information. Copyright ©. All rights reserved.  All trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on the Site are our property or the property of other third-parties. You are not permitted to use these Marks without our prior written consent or the consent of such third party which may own the Marks.


Contact Information

Address: 82-104 Country Pointe Circle, Bellerose Manor, NY, 11427 USA

Email: info@thepackster.com

Toll-Free: 888 585 4485

Phone: +1 607 303 9236